Not all possession factors are created equal. SMS, Push notifications, number matching and TOTP’s, will still leave your users vulnerable to phishing, MFA prompt spamming and social engineering attacks. Attackers are still able to steal user identities or their sessions and gain unauthorized access to your resources with their own devices.
With Infinipoint Attackers Can Go Fish...
Phishing Resistant Authentication
Request a Demo99% of organizations expect identity-related compromises,
and passwords are your first line of defense?
Stealing passwords
is super easy
Even a 16 year old hacker could guess, buy or manipulate users into giving up their credentials.
IT gets super
The wasted IT time and workload associated with managing and renewing passwords is just not worth the headache.
User experience
is super lame
Users tend to forget their passwords and don’t want to be bothered with contacting IT to renew and replace them.
Using possession factors as your second line
of defense doesn’t prevent account takovers either...

Not all possession factors are created equal. SMS, Push notifications, number matching and TOTP’s, will still leave your users vulnerable to phishing, MFA prompt spamming and social engineering attacks. Attackers are still able to steal user identities or their sessions and gain unauthorized access to your resources with their own devices.
Combining User and Device Authentication
By combining user and device authentication, verify the complete identity of every access request. And prevent unknown domains and unknown devices from getting in.
You get full confidence of secured access. And attackers can go fish instead of phish.

By combining user and device authentication, verify the complete identity of every access request. And prevent unknown domains and unknown devices from getting in.
You get full confidence of secured access. And attackers can go fish instead of phish.
Get phishing resistant Authentication
via MFA or passwordless
MFA configuration
Passwordless configuration
The experience of passwordless done right!
Slim down your
attack surface
Device-bound authentication shrinks your potential attack surfaces across user passwords and credentials and the devices allowed to access your resources.
Free IT from
mindless work
No more dealing with resetting passwords, let them focus on setting secure access policies that fit your workforce and your 3rd party contractors.
Delight instead
of annoy
Ditching passwords gives your end users slick and seamless login experiences like they get with consumer-grade products at home.